FREE copy of ‘The Drive’ by S.J. Johnson

If you have been waiting for the right time, or if you were ever just curious but didn’t want to spend the $, now is the perfect opportunity!


Come take advantage of this one day offer and get your FREE download of the Best Thriller Award Winning and Bargain Bestseller novel, ‘The Drive’ by S.J. Johnson.


Mark your calendar …  May 5th ONLY. Get your FREE copy!


Birth of a Book

Birth of a Book: a tour of Smith Settle’s handmade bookbinding process

Watch Smith Settle bookbinders bring a hardback book to life.

Beautiful poetry of an amazing art. A film by Glen Milner

How many of us pause to wonder, when we hold a beautiful book in our hands, about the work that went into making it?

In the case of a Slightly Foxed edition – elegant pocket-sized clothbound books that are limited to 2000 copies and cost £15 – it’s hard NOT to consider this. Who chose the lovely coloured linen and contrasting endpapers, you ask yourself? Who blind-stamped the reading fox on the front, or gilded the book’s author and title onto the spine?

For this mesmerizing exclusive video, Glen Milner visited Smith Settle bookbinders near Leeds, where the owners, Don Walters and Tracey Thorne, allowed him to film the making of the 17th Slightly Foxed book, Suzanne St Albans’s memoir Mango and Mimosa, from start to finish.

Here, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the printing plates, the stitching of the “signatures” (folded sections), the pressing and gluing, the adding of the ribbon bookmark and head and tail bands, the making of the final hardcover in green linen cloth and the numbering of the copies. All of it done with great care, much of it by hand.

Slightly Foxed is paradoxically innovative and old-school. While most books are now printed and bound overseas, their choice to collaborate with Smith Settle, traditional British binders who have made elaborate editions for the Folio Society among others, has meant that instead of struggling to keep up with the digital revolution, this small press is making a profit.

I’m so glad to share this with you from the London Telegraph. Books are a very important and vital part of my life. As much as I appreciate and am enamored by the electronic press and technology, I sincerely hope this art form never dies. Our world would truly be a lesser place without these miracles.

S.J. Johnson

FREE eBooks for your 3G and internet Devices

If Google Trends are anything to go by, a fair number of you were fortunate enough to unwrap a Kindle 3 this last Christmas. If not then you can still have access to the world of Kindle books from other sources including the device you’re using to read this post.

Amazon’s Kindle currently supports free readers for these devices:


Windows PC





Windows 7 Phones


As long as you have a 3G or Internet connection on your devices, you’ll be able to automatically sync where you last left off in a book, as well as keep your notes and highlights intact.

You can download the FREE Kindle reader for your device by simply clicking on the link below:

FREE Kindle Reader Downloads


Now that you have your new Kindle Reader downloaded and installed on your device, you might want some books, so I thought I would provide you with some of the following resources for getting some free books to enjoy and explore with your reader app.

For all but the Kindle Store, you’ll need to transfer the books manually using a computer and USB cable.

  1. Project Gutenberg: 33,000 free e-books, including all of the classics, available in Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.
  2. Google E-Bookstore: The free section is filled with thousands of free, scanned copies of books, available in Kindle-friendly PDF formats.
  3. Internet Archive: Millions of primarily rare, out-of-print works in multiple languages and formats (including Kindle), especially useful for academic work.
  4. Open Library: 20 million user-contributed items in multiple editions and formats (including Kindle).
  5. Nearly 30,000 titles, many of which have been pulled from Project Gutenberg. Has a good collection of little-known Creative Commons works.
  6. LibriVox: Thousands of free audiobooks.

Looking for more Kindle resources? 

Also available are audiobooks here:

Open Culture

Amazon Audiobooks


Planet eBook

Then are also the options for subscriptions with many newspapers, magazines and even blogs are available on the Kindle. Each comes with a 14-day free trial subscription and is delivered automatically as updates are released.


I do not get any money from Amazon for writing this blog or telling you how to get their free reader apps and books.  I am an author that has books available for Kindle, the only way I get any type of payment is when you buy my ebooks.

I’m hoping that you will love your new free kindle reader so much that you decide and buy my ebooks.

Please comment and let me know your thoughts, your sharing helps me feel like I’m not the only one reading this =)

How to read Kindle eBooks on your computer for FREE

Get your FREE ‘Kindle Reader’ download for PC from Amazon right here!

As simple as 1, 2, 3

1.)   Click the link on this page and download the application

2.)   Follow the instructions

3.)   Begin browsing through the HUGE selection of eBooks that are now available to you.

YES, it is that easy!

Just click the link and you will  instantly have access to 1,000′s of Kindle eBooks in minutes. You can find many of your favorite authors for free, $ .99 and many more under $10. There is  a huge selection of eBooks available to you once you download and install the Kindle eReader, Including New Releases.

While you’re at, please don’t forget to get your copy of my new release, “The Drive” by S.J. Johnson.

FREE Kindle Reader Download

What’s a ‘Kindle’?

It’s an electronic reader, basically. You can download books, newspapers, and magazines and read them on this portable machine, kind of like you do on a computer. Buy e-books or subscriptions to the NY Times and read them all in one gadget.

They have tried to make it like a real book – you can “turn” the pages with a click, and the screen is supposed to look like paper.

What’s a ‘Kindle Reader’ for PC?

It’s basically the same thing only it’s a downloaded program for your desktop computer or your laptop. It gives you all the benefits of the Kindle device to read all forms of written materials without the extra expense of buying a ‘Kindle’ device.

Follow this Link for FREE Kindle Reader for your iPhone too.

by S.J. Johnsonby S.J. Johnsonby S.J. Johnsonby S.J. Johnsonby S.J. Johnson

2012 Facebook Micro-Story Writing Game Entries

2012 Facebook Micro-Story Writing Game Entries.

2012 Facebook Micro-Story Writing Game First Place Entry

2012 Facebook Micro-Story Writing Game First Place Entry.

ReP: Obvious to you… Amazing to others…

ReP: Ovbious to you… Amazing to others….

CHECK IT OUT! Click the link and cast your vote for your favorite short story
The countdown: Only 10 DAYS left to participate, read and vote!
Don’t miss out on your chance to win a free copy of my book by posting your winning micro-story.
I’m very excited about the entries we have so far, I will be casting my own votes next week. Click the link now and check them out!
** Writers,
Be sure to share again and get your friends to read and vote for their favorite entry **

Shameless Plug : The Drive – New Release!




Brian Hadley began to recognize that he was losing everything he had been working his whole life to build. He realized he needed to reconnect with his family before it was too late. In hopes of salvaging what is left of their slowly dissolving and parting relationships, he designed what he thought to be the perfect family get away; a road trip to a remote mountain Lodge merely a few hundred miles drive away from their home.
Along the way Brian, his wife Kathy and their three children discover much more than a rekindling of their family bonds with each other as they attempt to escape the deadly and treacherous landscape surrounding them.
Their holiday away to discover each other rapidly becomes a struggle for their very survival when they are suddenly thrust into a wild and unpredictable land filled with unnatural and deadly threats at every turn. A place shrouded in dense unforgiving fog and seemingly determined to destroy them as they endure one torment after another.

The question is no longer will they regain what they have lost from each other, but rather how will they survive, the drive.